Rolled Leather Martingale Collars
Auburn Leathercrafters

Rolled Leather Martingale Collars featuring beautiful bridle leather. This wonderful leather is used in the equestrian trade to produce the finest saddles, bridles and reins. We use it for our Rolled Martingale Collars for its strength, durability, and beauty. These Collars are popular with owners of Mastiffs and similar large breeds! Rolled Leather Martingale Collars are appropriate for training, but are equally useful as an easy on / easy off collars for everyday use. Just like our standard Rolled Leather Collars, our Rolled Leather Martingale Collars are designed for dogs with long fur because the smooth, rolled leather design will not mat the fur. These collars are just as comfortable - and beautiful - on a dog with short fur, as well.